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Autor/inWoodly, Shaun
TitelThe league of extraordinary educators.
The secret strategies of transformational teachers.
QuelleHoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2023)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781119902652 (Taschenbuch); 9781119902669; 9781119902676 (EPUB)
SchlagwörterUSA; Transformative learning; United States; Effective teaching; Culturally relevant pedagogy; Erziehung
AbstractPart 1. The fable -- The scenario -- Illumination academy -- What a day -- The faculty meeting -- Guidance -- An emergency meeting -- Chloe's classroom -- The day Is finally over -- A whole new world -- It's on the test -- An ordinary teacher -- The manual -- Are you in? -- The secret society -- Welcome to extraordinary -- Preparing for extraordinary -- The letter -- Helplessness -- Keep up the pace -- Connection to the content -- A supportive environment -- Taking it all in -- A new chapter -- Extraordinary educator invitation to reflect -- Part 2. the formula for extraordinary -- Chapter 1: how we got here -- The burden of instruction -- Why manipulation does not work -- Alleviating the burden -- Extraordinary educator invitation to reflect -- Chapter 2: becoming extraordinary -- Promoting extraordinary connections -- Seeing the extraordinary -- Getting extraordinary results -- Extraordinary educator invitation to reflect -- Chapter 3: extraordinary learning experiences -- Encouraging extraordinary learning experiences -- Extraordinary educator invitation to reflect -- Chapter 4: extraordinary peer collaboration -- Facilitating extraordinary connections -- Making students the focus -- Encouraging connections beyond the classroom -- Extraordinary educator invitation to reflect -- Chapter 5: extraordinary teacher connections -- Connecting emotionally with students -- How is this done? -- Extraordinary teacher connections vs extraordinary peer collaboration -- Extraordinary educator invitation to reflect -- Chapter 6: extraordinary atmosphere -- The effect of extraordinary conditions -- Extraordinary educator invitation to reflect -- Chapter 7: the end of ordinary. "Teach. Hustle. Inpsire. focuses on the power of connections in education. Using story-based learning, educators will be immersed in the story and learn to become champions for connection and equitable learning in their own classroom. The use of narrative-centered learning experiences combines story contexts and pedagogical support strategies to deliver effective, engaging educational experiences for readers. This allows for effective delivery of difficult and sensitive topics such as equity & race. This story-based experience will take participants on a journey, significantly influencing learning, motivation, self-efficacy, interest, and goal orientation. Teachers are trying to function within the constraints of an inequitable education system. They struggle to manage classrooms effectively, have low morale & motivation, do not understanding how to connect with students or leverage student culture, very high turnover, teachers dealing with high levels of stress & anxiety, which all contribute to poor performance. Every day, children are walking into disconnected classrooms. Each and every time this happens, the love for learning and desire to grow dwindles a little more for each student. This book aims to change all of that through storytelling, research, and connection"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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