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Autor/inBugaj, Christopher R.
InstitutionInternational Society for Technology in Education
TitelThe new assistive tech.
Make learning awesome for all! 2nd ed.
QuellePortland, Oregon: International Society for Technology in Education (2023)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781564849809 (Taschenbuch)
SchlagwörterChildren with disabilities; Education; Computer-assisted instruction; Self-help devices for people with disabilities; Special education; Technological innovations; Students with disabilities; Services for; Erziehung
Abstract"School districts often struggle to develop consistent practices for meeting the needs of special education students. In the updated edition of this bestselling book, you'll learn how embracing student-centered approaches like project-based learning and growth mindset help support students with disabilities. You'll get guidance on how to plan and execute education experiences using technology centered around students' individual needs. And you'll discover how to effectively and consistently evaluate and select technology supports based on the specific needs of an individual student, while actively including the learner in the technology consideration process"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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