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Sonst. PersonenHernández, Rocío D. (Hrsg.)
TitelDiverse experiences of Latinas in higher education.
Chingonas on their own terms.
QuelleNew York: Routledge (2023)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781032474007; 9781032482064; 9781003387886
SchlagwörterHispanic American women; Education (Higher); Mexican American women; Academic achievement; Erziehung
AbstractState of affairs / Rocío D. Hernández, Ed.D. -- Introduction: diverse experiences of Latinas in higher education, Chingonas on their own terms / Rocío D. Hernández, Ed.D. -- ¡Adelante, Chingona!: embracing our evolving consciousness / Lynda Durán, Ph.D. -- Big hoop energy: the first Latina PACRAO president / Soraira Urquiza, Ed.D. -- Navigating professionalism with authenticity y Cariño / Alejandra Delacruz Hong, Ed.D. -- My name is not María, but María is my mother / Martha Enciso, Ed.D. -- Making mole the Olla: reflections on education / Tonantzin Oseguera, Ed.D. -- Through the looking glass: Latina hypervisibility & invisibility in academia / Daniella Graves, Ph.D. -- De mis raíces, he sembrado / Raquel Torres-Retana, Ed.D. -- ESL 2.0: learning the language of senior leadership / Elizabeth Zavala-Acevez, Ph.D. -- Free "labor": mothering and working in academic spaces in higher education / Karla Cruze-Silva, Ph.D. -- Being straight and white is "right": what i learned as a queer Latina in K-12 US education and what i fight to dismantle in higher education / Heather C. Macías, Ph.D. -- Carving bone and space in higher education: a shapeshifter's testimonial of disruption and authenticity / Candace K. de León-Zepeda, Ph.D. -- Concluding Thoughts. "By sharing the collective experiences of Latinas in Higher Education, this book provides a diverse range of empowering testimonies from Chingonas living on their own terms, who are defining professionalism for themselves. Chingona means 'badass' and is a term that has been reappropriated by Latinas as an expression of empowerment both inside and outside of education. This anthology is a collection of twelve voices, representative of the experiences of empowered Chingonas across various roles in higher education who identify as Latinas. This volume shares the knowledge of Chingona Latina women, including their thoughts around authenticity, identity, and the disruption of dominant cultural experiences within the institution. It also seeks to help other Latinas realize that they are not alone in their experiences with higher education. This book includes questions for reflection and writing prompts, allowing readers to consider their own lived experience and envision change. This collection will be important reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students in education-related programs, including Higher Education Studies and Educational Leadership, as well as courses in Ethnic Studies, Chicana/o/x Studies, Latinx/a/o Studies and Women's Studies. It also offers an invaluable learning opportunity for higher education professionals, leaders and administrators, especially within student affairs"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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