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Autor/inPitton, Debra Eckerman
TitelSupporting teacher development.
New skills for principals in supervision and evaluation.
QuelleLanham: Rowman and Littlefield (2016)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781475825152; 1475825153; 9781475825138; 9781475825145
SchlagwörterMentoring in education; Teacher-principal relationships; Teachers; Rating of; Teaching; Mentorat en éducation; Relations enseignants-directeurs d'école; Enseignants; Évaluation; EDUCATION / Administration / General; EDUCATION / Organizations & Institutions; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractMentoring skills for principals : supporting teacher evaluation and development -- Creating an environment that supports ongoing teacher learning -- Effective communication : making sure you can be heard -- Aligning dialogue to the evaluation tool -- Questions to support teacher learning -- Gathering data during the observation -- Reflection and goal setting : processes for problem solving and expanding teacher learning -- Resources and practices necessary for success -- Strengthening skills. "As a Middle School Principal, I work with teachers daily, by meeting them where they are and providing guidance and gentle pressure to further advance their expertise. Providing immediate feedback that is laser focused on student success, is key. Giving the right feedback, in a mentor/coaching role allows for reflection in a non-threatening learning culture. We are all learners. "All Students Succeed" is not about judgment on teachers. It's being honest with where we are at with our professional work and having the mindset to always strive to get better. On a continuum of continual growth, mentoring skills for principals are essential as part of every school's learning culture. This book is a resource for principals seeking ways to support and mentor their faculty in order to facilitate increased student learning."--Bloomsbury Publishing.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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