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Sonst. PersonenGravesen, David Thore (Hrsg.); Stuart, Kaz (Hrsg.); Bunting, Mette (Hrsg.); Mikkelsen, Sidse Hølvig (Hrsg.); Frostholm, Peter Hornbæk (Hrsg.)
TitelCombatting marginalisation by co-creating education.
Methods, theories and practices from the perspectives of young people.
QuelleUnited Kingdom: Emerald Publishing (2021), XVI, 228 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheGreat debates in higher education
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781800434516 (Taschenbuch)
SchlagwörterInclusive education; Education; Social aspects; Mainstreaming, Education; Intégration scolaire; Erziehung
AbstractThe result of collaboration between students and researchers across Europe as part of an Erasmus+ funded project, this book sheds light on power structures and exclusion processes in education from the perspectives of young people. Bridging practical, empirical and theoretical questions, and focusing on young people's stories in and outside of school, this edited collection delves into the narratives of young respondents that have experienced severe challenges in their school life. Written in three parts, the authors introduce the basic concepts surrounding social inclusion and equality, present chapters written and co-written with students, and consider the implications and models for practice, both in schools, youth work and higher education. Including a final chapter written by guest author Distinguished Professor Michelle Fine, who reflects on the project, and the potentials for future education, youth work and research, this book invites readers to better understand marginalization and how to build an inclusive educational future.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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