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Autor/inRadford, Carol Pelletier
TitelTeaching with light.
Ten lessons for finding wisdom, balance, & inspiration.
QuelleThousand Oaks, California: Corwin (2021), XXI, 137 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781071822708 (Taschenbuch); 9781071822692 (EPUB); 9781071822685 (EPUB); 9781071822678 (PDF)
SchlagwörterTeaching; Pyschological aspects; Teachers; Job satisfaction; United States; Teacher morale; Teacher turnover; Prevention; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract"Teachers are overworked and underpaid. Most teachers choose this profession because they see it as a vocation. It is a mission to serve others. When they begin their career they often find it stressful, bureaucratic, and complicated. Many beginning teachers question why they chose this path and up to 50% leave for other careers in their first five years. Those who stay, navigate their way through the complexities of school culture, lack of resources, and challenging students. This book is about the teachers who stay in the field of education and not only survive, they thrive on the joys they find in the day to day life of an educator. This book will be an essential (and beautiful) guide that will walk teachers through ten lessons for a fulfilling, life-long career in education. Carol will equip educators with what they need to help themselves stay sustained and inspired in a job that takes immense daily courage. Carol will share some of her own stories from her career, we will ask educators in the field (and/or other Corwin authors) to submit stories for each chapter, there will be podcast content to bolster the theme of each chapter, and there will be plenty of space for interaction and reflection as teachers walk through their reading plan. Sustaining a career in education is not for the meek or faint of heart. It is for the courageous who want to fulfill their life's path. We need positive stories, practical ways to succeed, and guidance for helping teachers finding their unique roles as educators. This reflective and inspirational guide will make those roles clear and accessible and will inspire our next generation of teachers to "stay" in teaching and contribute to the profession in a way that uses their unique skills"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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