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Autor/inHirsch, Miriam
TitelTeach like a human.
Essays for parents and teachers.
QuelleLanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group (2020), X, 95 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781475857214 (Leineneinband); 9781475857238 (EPUB)
SchlagwörterEducation, Humanistic; Moral education; Education; Parent participation; Erziehung
AbstractIntroduction -- The mathematics of motherhood -- The parent as curriculum developer -- Lessons from Mrs. Bird -- Contending with sibling rivalry : insights from Jewish texts -- Reading schools : a primer -- Reclaiming the art of listening -- Out of the box and between the lines -- Sifting the metaphor : teaching as a culinary art -- "More beauty in a rock" : what we don't teach & how it matters -- Teach like a human : the reality gap in educator preparation -- Conclusion. "Written for parents and teachers this is a collection of essays focused on educating children to care about themselves, their communities, and the world we share"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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