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Autor/inn/enLuckenbill, Julia; Subramaniam, Aarti; Thompson, Janet
TitelThis is play.
Environments and interactions that engage infants and toddlers.
QuelleWashington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children (2019), 127 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781938113536; 1938113535
SchlagwörterPlay; Early childhood education; Education, Preschool; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractIntroduction -- The importance of play for young children -- The young infant: birth to 9 months -- The mobile infant: 8 to 18 months -- The toddler: 16 to 36 months -- Working with children with diverse characteristics, abilities, and needs -- Conclusion. "Slow down, tune in, and discover the very purposeful play of infants and toddlers. Addressing considerations like choosing interesting materials, setting up safe and inviting environments, and why you are the most important element of play for very young children, the authors come alongside to help you : Better understand what play means for infants and toddlers ; Read children's cues and respond to their needs for more challenge, a break from interaction, or a play partner ; Support children's physical, social and emotional, language, and cognitive development ; Adapt the way you play with children and what materials you offer based on individual abilities, interests, and needs ; Look at toddler behavior in new ways and use proven strategies to help children navigate play situations with peers. This book is a delightful, easy read, full of insights like how to provide play choices for even very young children and why sportscasting is not just for TV but for infant and toddler classrooms, too. With its spot on ideas and delightful anecdotes, you'll gain a new appreciation for infants' and toddlers' competence and curiosity and how important your role is in the birth-to-3 adventure. This is play for very young children and for you. Come and explore." -- Back cover
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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