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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inOakley, Francis
TitelFrom the cast-iron shore.
In lifelong pursuit of liberal learning.
QuelleNotre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press (2018), X, 526 S., S. mit TafelnVerfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780268104016; 0268104018; 9780268104023; 0268104026
SchlagwörterUSA; Oakley, Francis; Williams College; History; College teachers; Biography; Biografie; United States; College presidents; Bildungsgeschichte
AbstractPrelude -- Liverpool -- The secure realm of before -- The shadowed world of after -- Trajectories of fear -- Ad majorem dei gloriam -- Lissananny, oxford, toronto, cambridge (ma), preston, aldershot, catterick, gloucester, new haven -- Poblacht na h¿ireann -- Collegium corporis christi -- Oh, canada! -- On her majesty's service -- Lux et veritas -- Williamstown -- Williamstown and its college -- Encountering the old williams -- The transformative sixties (i): the new williams -- The transformative sixties (ii): the second vatican council -- Vita contemplativa: teaching and research -- Vita activa (i): matters of governance -- Vita activa (ii): the administrative turn -- Presidential years (i): the job: nature, range, and variety -- Presidential years (ii): organization, appointments, and initiatives -- Presidential years (iii): principal challenges confronted -- Aftermath -- Postlude -- Acknowledgments -- Citations -- Index.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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