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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inDrabble, Cherryl
TitelIntroducing a school dog.
Our adventures with Doodles the Schnoodle.
QuelleLondon: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2019), 133 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterPsychiatric service dogs in education; Animals in education; Animals; Therapeutic use; Learning disabled children; Education; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractThe benefits of animals as therapy -- The decision to use a puppy -- Top tips for choosing your puppy -- Introducing your puppy to school -- Practical issues and finances -- The puppy's intended remit in school -- Doodles' success - extra curricular -- Doodles with the children - case studies -- The unexpected benefits of doodles -- How doodles is used in lessons -- Other therapy dogs -- Mischievous doodles -- Future plans. "This short book covers everything school staff need to know about the practicalities and benefits of introducing a therapy dog. It includes all of the key information the author has gleaned from doing this at her school, when she had to make it up as she went along due to lack of relevant publications. It is a special education title really, but also relevant to mainstream settings and should certainly be marketed to the autism community. The author's special school caters for ages 2-19 so the book will use examples of the dog's effect on very young children through to teenagers. Animal assisted therapy has been around a while and is mostly used with ASD, in dementia care, hospital settings and counselling, but there is currently a lot of interest in AAT in education" --Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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