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Autor/inn/enMilner, H. Richard; Cunningham, Heather B.; Delale-O'Connor, Lori; Kestenberg, Erika Gold
Titel"These kids are out of control".
Why we must reimagine "classroom management" for equity.
QuelleThousand Oaks, California: Corwin (2019), XII, 186 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterClassroom management; Educational equalization; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractUnderstanding the landscape of classroom management : a look at research, theory and practice -- Connecting classroom management and the cradle to prison pipeline -- Classroom management in urban schools is about effective instruction -- Classroom management is about creating a caring environment -- Classroom management in urban schools is about restorative discipline -- Conclusions, implications and recommendations -- A charge to teacher education -- A charge to researchers -- A charge to reformers -- A charge to teachers and other educators -- A charge to professional development facilitators. "Nearly five years ago, the Department of Justice issued a Dear Colleague letter to school leaders across the nation that underscored the need to reform exclusionary school disciplinary programs and practices that discriminate on the basis of race. While carrot and stick reforms may help drive systemic change, zero tolerance policies continue to lead to disproportional disciplinary referrals, loss of instructional time, and increased dropout rates among students of color. In this groundbreaking book, acclaimed author Rich Milner proposes a solution that begins at the classroom level. In particular, he argues that that teachers need to develop the knowledge, dispositions, and mindsets to learn and adjust their practices based on the particular needs of their students, especially those who are on the margins of teaching and learning. Classroom management is typically one of the major sources of anxiety for inexperienced teachers. Although most teacher candidates study classroom management in their pre-service coursework, few of these courses focus on underserved student populations such as students of color and English Learners. And, in reality, even many experienced teachers rely on approaches to classroom management that are mismatched with the population of students they teach. This book is a practical approach to reimagining classroom management that effectively serves the needs of diverse learners including children of color, English Learners, and children from low-income households"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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