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Autor/inn/enBuoncristiani, Patricia; Buoncristiani, Martin
TitelThinking in a digital world.
Taking our kids into the deep end.
QuelleLanham: Rowman & Littlefield (2017), XV, 198 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781475834949; 1475834942; 9781475834932; 1475834934; 9781475834956 (elektronisch)
SchlagwörterEducational technology; Critical thinking; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract1. Grown-ups--we have a problem: our kids are trapped in the shallows -- 2. The world is changing: from lines to webs -- 3. Surveying the landscape: education and learning -- 4. The twenty-first century needs us -- 5. What is happening in our schools? -- 6. The digital divides: immigrants and natives, real and virtual -- 7. Contrary to popular opinion, television can help bridge the divide -- 8. Living in two worlds: tangible and virtual -- 9. The best of both worlds -- 10. Safe enough to think: keeping children safe and ensuring safety of information -- 11. It's hard to manage what you don't understand -- 12. Metacognition: what we do when we think in the deep end -- 13. Behaving like a deep-water thinker -- 14. Am I clever enough to think in the deep end?. The information age is changing how we experience the world and interact with it. This has implications for young people and their learning both in and out of the classroom. This book offers practical strategies for working with young people, helping educators and parents understand and react to this changing situation. This book offers practical ways to develop and deepen thinking at home and at school with both curriculum content and real world home issues -- Provided by the publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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