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Erweiterte Literatursuche

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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenHorning, Alice S. (Hrsg.); Gollnitz, Deborah-Lee (Hrsg.); Haller, Cynthia R. (Hrsg.)
TitelWhat is college reading?.
QuelleFort Collins, Colorado: WAC Clearinghouse (2017), VI, 304 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheAcross the disciplines books
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781607328605; 9781642150018 (EPUB); 9781642150001 (PDF)
SchlagwörterUSA; Reading (Higher education); United States; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractWriting to read, revisited / Chris M. Anson -- Reading as transformation / Brian Gogan -- Creating a reading-across-the-curriculum climate on campus / Pam Hollander, Maureen Shamgochian, Douglas Dawson, and Margaret Pray Bouchard -- The un-common read : perspectives from faculty and administration at a diverse urban community college / Jennifer Maloy, Beth Counihan, Joan Dupre, Susan Madera, and Ian Beckford -- High-profile football players' reading at a research university : ACT scores, interview responses, and personal preferences : An Update / Martha Townsend -- Reading about reading : addressing the challenges of college readers through an understanding of the politics of P-12 literacy / Justin Young and Charlie Potter -- Utilizing interdisciplinary insights to build effective reading skills / William M. Abbott and Kathryn A. Nantz -- Getting to the root of the problem : teaching reading as a process in the sciences / Laura J. Davies --"Reading to write" in East Asian studies / Leora Freedman -- Examining a rhetorical approach to teaching developmental reading / Debrah Huffman -- "O father of education, you come with a book in your hand" : the ambivalent status of reading in a two-year tribal college / Ildiko Melis -- Multiliteracies and meaning-making : writing to read across the curriculum / Mary Lou Odom --Integrating reading, writing and research for first-year college students : piloting linked courses in the education major / Tanya I. Sturtz, Darrell C. Hucks, and Katherine E. Tirabassi -- Afterword / Patrick Sullivan and Howard Tinberg.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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