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Autor/inn/enAsṭor, Ron
TitelWelcoming practices.
Creating schools that support students and families in transition.
QuelleNew York, NY: Oxford University Press (2017)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTransfer students; Services for; Student adjustment; Student mobility; School environment; EDUCATION / Counseling / General; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Social Work; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract-- Foreword -- Introduction -- Why Welcome? -- Chapter 1: What Do We Know About Student Transition? -- Chapter 2: Mobility in Student Data Systems -- Chapter 3: The Voices of Students and Parents -- Chapter 4: Making Virtual Connections -- Chapter 5: Connecting in Person -- Chapter 6: Welcoming Younger Students -- Chapter 7: Welcoming Older Students -- Chapter 8: Lessons from Business -- Chapter 9: The Role of Staff and Community Partners -- Chapter 10: The Importance of Following Up -- Chapter 11: Preparing for the Next Move -- Conclusion -- Appendix A: Resources -- Appendix B: WelConnect App -- Appendix C: Sample Surveys for Welcoming Newcomers -- Appendix D: Research -- Endnotes -- Index.. " Students change schools for a variety of reasons, and some students change more often than others -- a reality that can leave them feeling emotionally disconnected and often academically at risk. Welcoming Practices summarizes the research on school transition and makes a case for why schools need to do a better job of welcoming new children and families and following up with them over time. Arriving at a moment in history in which schools are increasing attention on students' social and emotional development, this book captures the innovative practices that some institutions are using to connect with new students and provides practical strategies that all schools can use to make both students and parents feel a part of the school and community. The book discusses how to use technology to improve families' experiences in their new schools, provides strategies appropriate at the school and district levels, and gives schools suggestions for practices that are best suited for younger students as well as for those at middle and high school levels. "--Provided by publisher.; "At a time when schools are increasing attention to students' social and emotional development, this book gives educators practical strategies for supporting a specific segment of their population--highly mobile students. The practical guide also helps schools consider the experiences of parents in the school transition process"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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