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Autor/inChadwick, Jocelyn A.
TitelCommon core.
Paradigmatic shifts.
QuelleNewcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2015), XV, 214 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1443872636; 9781443872638
SchlagwörterUSA; Common Core State Standards (Education); Education; Standards; United States; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstractsect. 1. The shift : standards and the core -- A brief overview : where did they come from? -- Standards vs. common core state standards -- The cross-curricular component : its history, its re-emergence, its controversy -- Teaching research and critical thinking skills : research to build and present knowledge -- sect. 2. Creating a protean learning environment -- Collaborative learning communities -- Re-visioning delivery : how we teach; expectations--teachers and students -- Student-teacher engagement : CLCs -- Models : twelve teachers' narratives from around the country, sharing their expertise -- Maintaining quality of instruction : the core standards are decidedly not curriculum -- sect. 3. Challenges : instruction -- Cross-curricular content : social studies, science, and humanities -- Technology, databases, and media. Common Core: Paradigmatic Shifts is a timely and protean educator resource and reference, designed to be of immediate use in the classroom and in Professional Learning Communities. In addition, this book also provides a "looking glass," allowing educators to peer briefly back in history to ascertain the origin of standards, as they came to be in the United States educational system, and as they earnestly impacted English language arts. Common Core: Paradigmatic Shifts identifies and provides curricular approaches speaking to teachers' concerns regarding content preparedness. In addition, this book includes teacher narratives from around the country, describing their approaches and strategies with the Common Core initiative and its impact on their students, as well as those who do not use the Core. Essentially, Common Core: Paradigmatic Shifts will spark further proactive, engaged, and reconstructive conversation among teachers regarding both students and themselves. Ignited by the advent of the Core, their conversation today is about just how do they use standards to create vibrant, engaged, immersive, and relevant instruction that lives beyond the traditional walls of the classroom. Common Core: Paradigmatic Shifts will prove to be a "go to" resource that provides useful information and instructional approaches beyond Common
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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