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Autor/inChediak, Alex
Sonst. PersonenChediak, Alex (Hrsg.)
TitelBeating the college debt trap.
Getting a degree without going broke.
QuelleGrand Rapids, MI: Zondervan (2015), 223 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780310337423; 9780310337430 (E-Book); 9780310066989
SchlagwörterUSA; College costs; United States; Finance, Personal; Education, Higher; Finance; Christian college students; Religious life; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract"Beating the College Debt Trap presents students with a better way to do college. The radically counter-cultural truth is that students don't have to be totally dependent on Mom, Dad, or Uncle Sam to get the most out of college. Graduation on a solid financial foundation is possible. But it will require intentionality, creativity, hard work, and a willingness to delay gratification.Chediak gets into the nitty-gritty of how to pay less for college, get meaningful workduring college (while setting yourself up for success after college), , pay off any loans quickly, spend less, save more, and stay out of debt for good. He also unpacks how to transition from college into career, honor God while achieving financial independence, and use your finances to make a positive, eternally-significant difference in the lives of others.As a young engineering professor with an aptitude for finances and money management, Chediak has become particularly concerned with the financial health of students, especially in light of the ever increasing costs of college. In Beating the College Debt Trap he helps do something about this problem. He engages, in a friendly manner, the "real world" financial issues that 17-25 year olds face, with clarity, practical help, lots of illustrations, and a little humor, while conveying a distinctly Christian perspective"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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