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Sonst. PersonenFryberg, Stephanie A. (Hrsg.); Martínez, Ernesto Javier (Hrsg.)
TitelThe truly diverse faculty.
New dialogues in American higher education.
QuelleNew York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan (2014)Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheFuture of minority studies
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterUSA; Faculty integration; United States; Universities and colleges; Faculty; Minority college teachers; Social conditions; Mentoring in education; Discrimination in higher education; Multiculturalism; EDUCATION / Higher; EDUCATION / Educational Policy & Reform / General; EDUCATION / Organizations & Institutions; PSYCHOLOGY / Social Psychology; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / General; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract-- PART I: UNIVERSITY STRUCTURES AND THE PROFESSIONAL LIVES OF JUNIOR FACULTY OF COLOR -- 1. Constructed Strugglers: The Impact of Diversity Narratives on Junior Faculty of Color; Ernesto J. Marti;nez and Stephanie A. Fryberg -- Comment: Valuing the World, Valuing Diversity; Nancy Cantor and Kal Alston -- 2. Models of Success in the Academy; Victoria Plaut -- Comment; Kecia Thomas -- 3. Junior Faculty of Color in the Corporate University: Implications of Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism on Research, Teaching and Service; Nana Osei-Kofi -- Comment: Which Way Forward? The Corporate University as a Site of Contradiction; Michael Hames-Garci;a -- PART II: NEGOTIATING A NON-DIVERSE ACADEMY -- 4. On Being the Solo Faculty Member of Color: Research Evidence from Field and Laboratory Studies; Denise Sekaquaptewa -- Comment; Robert N. Shelton -- 5. Whiteness as Request; Phillip Atiba Goff -- Comment; Daniel Little -- 6. Mammy No More/Mammy Forever: The Stakes and Costs of Teaching Our Colleagues; Tiffany Willough-Herard -- Comment: Sister-Administrators in the Neoliberal Academy: Reflections of a Feminist-of-Color; Chandra Talpade Mohanty -- PART III: SPEAKING TO THE PIPELINE: EARLY MENTORSHIP, PREPARATION, AND PROFESSIONAL BARRIERS -- 7. Trusting Vulnerability: Mentoring Graduate Students of Color; John Riofrio -- Comment; James A. Larimore -- 8. Lanterns and Street Signs: Effective Mentoring for Greater Equity in the Academy; Monisha Bajaj -- Comment: Mentoring for Institutional Gain; Luis Fraga -- 9. Breaking Through the Associate Professor Glass Ceiling; Mari Castañeda and Michael Hames-Garci;a -- Comment: Slowing Down the Line; Carol Stabile.. "Many universities in the twenty-first century claim "diversity" as a core value, but fall short in transforming institutional practices. The disparity between what universities claim as a value and what they accomplish in reality creates a labyrinth of barriers, challenges, and extra burdens that junior faculty of color must negotiate, often at great personal and professional risk. This volume addresses these obstacles, first by foregrounding essays written by junior faculty of color and second by pairing each essay with commentary by senior university administrators. These two university constituencies play crucial roles in diversifying the academy, but rarely have an opportunity to candidly engage in dialogue. This volume harnesses the untapped collective knowledge in these constituencies, revealing how diversity claims, when poorly conceived and under-actualized, impact the university as an intellectual work environment and as a social filter for innovative ideas"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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