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Ariadne Pfad:


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TitelThe survey of assessment practices in higher education. 2013 ed.
QuelleNew York, NY: Primary Research Group (2013), 106 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterUSA; Universities and colleges; Statistics; Statistik; Evaluation; United States; Educational accountability; Education, Higher; Educational evaluation; Educational indicators; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstractch.1. Departmental assessment -- ch.2. Standardized testing -- ch.3. Assessment office -- ch.4. Student assessment of instructors -- ch.5. Use of film & video in assessment -- ch.6. Evaluation of adjunct faculty -- ch.7. Faculty involvement -- ch.8. Tutoring -- ch.9. Assessing student services -- ch.10. Assessment environment -- ch. 11. Curriculum changes -- ch.12. Benchmarking data -- ch.13. Use of consultants -- ch.14. Post-graduation assessment -- ch.15. Assessing assessment. This 106-page study, based on data from more than 70 North American institutions of higher education, explores the student and faculty assessment practices of colleges. The report looks closely at the use of benchmarking data and standardized tests to assess progress, and at other strategies, including the use of ePortfolios and departmental assessment plans. The study gives detailed data on assessment efforts including size, compensation levels and budgets for assessment departments, and the assessment efforts of administrators and faculty outside of these official departments. The study also looks at how colleges assess instructors and how these assessments affect career advancement, including the scope and impact of student assessment of instructors. The report also looks at the impact of new technologies on student assessment such as use of videotaping of classroom lectures, and much more.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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