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Autor/inAkula, Shaw M.
TitelA guide to PhD success.
QuelleHouston, TX: Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co. (2013), X, 132 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781622123483; 1622123484
SchlagwörterUniversities and colleges; Graduate work; Academic achievement; Education, Graduate; Education, Medical; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract"A guide to PhD Success is written in a lighthearted style to appeal to undergraduate and graduate science majors from all over the world who have a passion for higher studies, specifically in regard to earning a PhD. The author has attempted to keep young minds engaged by including useful real-life stories as well as placing emphasis on important points. It provides promising future scientists with information about each critical aspect necessary for one to succeed in a PhD program. The handbook includes useful tips that will span students' graduate careers, from the initial stage of planning as a pre-doctoral fellow through attaining the doctoral degree. This guide not only lists the predicaments that a graduate student could potentially fall victim to, but provides valuable approaches to tackle such quandaries." --From cover.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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