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Autor/inCosta, Arthur L.
TitelCognitive capital.
Investing in teacher quality.
QuelleNew York: Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University (2014), XVIII, 122 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780807754979; 0807754978; 9780807772508 (E-Book); 080777250X (E-Book)
SchlagwörterUSA; Thought and thinking; Study and teaching; Cognitive styles; Team learning approach in education; Personal coaching; Teachers; In-service training; Rating of; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstracta 1. Investing in teacher quality; Current trends; Moving toward questions of practice; Defining cognitive capital -- 2. Assessing the complexities of teaching; The clarion call: the public demand for school accountability; Assessing professional competencies; Prescriptions versus accountable dialogue; Toward a more complete model of teaching and learning; Conflicting views of teaching territories; Cognitive capital: honoring the complexity of the profession; Growing our investment: a declaration; In summary -- 3. Toward a new conception of value; A new conception of quality; Positive human capacities increase cognitive capital; States of mind as qualities of teacher excellence; The value of the 5 states of mind: high-yield investments; Elaborating the complexity and elegance of the states of mind; Profound knowledge: the transfer of states of mind; Goal-focused coaching; Value added: self-organizing systems; In summary -- 4. Balancing the leadership portfolio: the mediative functions of coaching and facilitating; Four distinct leadership roles; Informative and mediative roles; Defining facilitator and coach; Coaching enhances instructional thought; Facilitation: developing collective states of mind; Calibrating, facilitating, and implementing the common core state standards; Reconceptualizing teaching as coaching and facilitating; In summary -- 5. Mediating: conversations that liberate states of mind; Defining mediated learning; Mediating holonomy; The neuroscience of mediated learning; Mediating states of mind through structured professional conversations; Coaching tools that build trust and rapport; In summary -- 6. Balancing the leadership portfolio: presenting and consulting; Defining a presenter and a consultant; How presenters manage relationships; How consultants manage relationships; Shifting locus of control to the client; Building cognitive capital: the presenter can also mediate; Building cognitive capital: the consultant can also mediate; Building cognitive capital: how leaders enhance cognitive development; In summary -- 7. Accumulating the dividends of collective thinking; The power of collective thinking; Defining collective efficacy; States of mind create collective capital; Operationalizing collective efficacy; Affective states; Holonomy: the soul of effective schools; States of mind: creating virtuous cycles of success; In summary -- 8. Auditing: promoting systems accountability; System responsibility; The system asset: cognitive capital; Talent optimization; The system promise: learning time is a priority; In summary.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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