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Autor/inn/enMayer, G. Roy; Sulzer-Azaroff, Beth; Wallace, Michele
TitelBehavior analysis for lasting change. 3rd ed.
QuelleCornwall-on-Hudson, NY: Sloan Publishing (2014)Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheThe Cambridge center-sloan century series
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781597380508; 1597380504
SchlagwörterBehavior modification; Teaching; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractAchieving lasting behavior change through behavior analysis -- Designing effective strategies of change : essential building blocks -- Preparing an environment supportive of behavior change -- Sharpening the focus by refining goals and objectives -- Fueling behavior change with reinforcement -- Increasing behavior by developing and selecting powerful reinforcers -- Organizing for behavior change by collecting useful data -- Optimizing client progress by monitoring behavior change : recording, graphing, and analyzing patterns of change -- Optimizing client progress by analyzing the functions of our interventions : basic experimental designs -- Setting a foundation for positive change : identifying participant's -- Functional reinforcers -- Rapidly attaining positive change : implementing reinforcement effectively -- Promoting and supporting group change : programs and packages -- Teaching new behavior : shaping -- Teaching complex behaviors : chaining and task analyses -- Attaining complex behavior by promoting and supporting antecedent control -- Selecting and applying methods for promoting stimulus control -- Achieving stimulus control -- Achieving fine-tuned performance : specific instructional programs and -- Behavior management procedures -- Teaching, expanding and refining verbal behavior -- Shifting and expanding stimulus control -- Generalization : expanding stimulus control -- Maintaining behavior : ratio schedules -- Maintaining behavior by arranging schedules of reinforcement -- Supporting and supervising contingency managers -- Identifying effective interventions with complex research designs -- Preventing unwanted behavior : antecedent methods -- Preventing and reducing unwanted behavior : noncontingent reinforcement and extinction -- Constructively preventing and reducing behavior : differential reinforcement procedures -- Reducing behavior with negative punishment : response cost and timeout -- Reducing behavior with positive punishment while minimizing coercion -- Achieving lasting change responsibly -- Appendix i: the bacb task list -- Appendix ii: index for bacb task list coverage -- Glossary -- References -- Name index -- Subject index.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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