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Autor/inRoberts, H. Earl
InstitutionDelaware Technical and Community Coll., Dover.
TitelSelection of a College Placement Instrument at Delaware Technical & Community College.
Quelle(1994), (139 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity Colleges; Computer Assisted Testing; Cutting Scores; Multicampus Colleges; Participant Satisfaction; Pilot Projects; School Surveys; Student Attitudes; Student Placement; Test Reliability; Test Selection; Test Validity; Two Year Colleges
AbstractIn 1989, a project was undertaken at Delaware Technical and Community College (DTCC) to review the appropriateness of the college's student placement instrument and test the use of a computerized alternative. A review of the literature and of available instruments resulted in the selection of the ACCUPLACER Computerized Placement Tests (CPT's). A pilot test was developed to determine if the CPT's were comparable to DTCC's current placement test and to verify the accuracy of departmentally recommended placement scores in reading, English, and mathematics. The test also sought to explore the uses and requirements of computerized systems and develop academic profiles of entering students. Following an initial test at one campus of DTCC, both the CPT's and the college's current placement instruments were administered to 692 students college-wide from October 1992 through June 1993. In addition, students completed questionnaires on their perceptions of the new CPT's. Results of the pilot test included the following: (1) the correlation between the CPT's and the current method was found to be highly significant, with the methods found to measure the same material between 44.66% and 53.64% of the time; (2) the recommended CPT's placement scores produced very similar placements of students as would have been obtained with the current method; (3) while the CPT's would result in higher costs than the traditional method, they were found to be very helpful in generating assessment data; and (4) students were generally pleased with the CPT's, with 75% stating a preference for that method. Background material on the placement tests and the student questionnaire are appended. (BCY)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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