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Sonst. PersonenBreivik, Patricia Senn (Hrsg.)
TitelA Colorado Response to the Information Society: The Changing Academic Library. Proceedings of a Conference (Denver, Colorado, October 6-7, 1983).
Quelle(1983), (62 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Stellungnahme; Academic Libraries; Higher Education; History Instruction; Library Role; Library Services; Microcomputers; North American History; Position Papers; Research Libraries; Statewide Planning; Colorado
AbstractAs suggested by a Colorado Academic Library Master Plan developed in 1982, a statewide conference that brought together academicians and librarians was held to explore the role of academic libraries in the information society. People came in teams of three from institutions and included library directors, academic vice presidents, and faculty leaders. This report contains seven papers that were presented at the conference: (1) "Not Cassandra, Pandora, or Polonius: Or, Aspects of Learning in American History" (Harold M. Hyman, Rice University); (2) "The Microcomputer Revolution and the New Role of the Library: From the Perspective of a University President/Chancellor" (Alan Guskin, University of Wisconsin at Parkside); (3) "What a College Administrator Expects of an Academic Library" (Robert A. Plane, Clarkson College of Technology); (4) "Raising Levels of Astonishment: Criteria for Academic Library Leadership" (Robert C. Spencer, Sangamon State University); (5) "Confessions of a Former Scenic Designer" (Richard Knaub, University of Colorado at Boulder); (6) "How the Library Helps Me as a Teacher and Researcher" (Paul A. Lacey, Earlham College); and (7) "Using the Library to Teach History at the United States Air Force Academy" (Carl W. Reddell, U.S. Air Force Academy). Background information on the conference and a definition of information literacy introduce the papers. (THC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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