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Autor/inn/enMulyadi; Usman, Nasir; Ismail, Ismail
TitelPrincipal Leadership in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SD Negeri 1 Beureunun and Islamic Private Elementary Schools in Pidie Regency, Indonesia.
QuelleIn: Traektoriâ nauki, 9 (2023) 2-3, S. 2028-2033
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSchule; Schulentwicklung; Schulleitung; Lehrer; Lernerfolg; Industrielle Revolution; Management; Arbeitsleistung
AbstractTop management is one of the factors that influence teacher performance in learning. This research aims to determine school principals' programs, strategies, supervision, and constraints in improving teacher performance in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. This research is a case study research with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were school principals, deputy heads of curriculum, teachers, supervisors and school development teams. The research results are: 1) The program carried out is: formulating the program, compiling the School Development Team (TPS), schedule of activities, program e-learning, and technology-based training programs according to 21st-century learning that TPS has prepared. 2) The strategy is carried out by dividing tasks according to the duties and functions of the TPS, involving teachers in IT-based training and having the ability Communication, Collaborative, Critical Thinking, and Creativity (4C) in 21st-century learning. 3) Supervision is carried out by the principal, namely carrying out the supervision process directly or through recording Close Circuit Television (CCTV), which evaluates the achievement of program goals and targets. 4) Obstacles include that the principal has not been able to accommodate all of the teacher's needs in the use of technology, and teachers' ability in the technology field still needs to be improved.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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