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Autor/inn/enCanale, Germán; Fernández Fasciolo, Martina
TitelMultimodality, ethnography and the English language teaching textbook.
Negotiating heteronormativity in visual representations.
QuelleAus: Xiong, Tao (Hrsg.); Feng, Dezheng (Hrsg.); Hu, Guangwei (Hrsg.): Cultural knowledge and values in English language teaching materials. (Multimodal) representations and stakeholders. Singapore: Springer (2022) S. 163-181
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BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben S. 179-181
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-981-19-1934-3; 978-981-19-1935-0
SchlagwörterSchulbuch; Englischunterricht; Multimodalität; Buchproduktion; Volkskunde; Uruguay
AbstractEven though there is a long-standing tradition of textbook analysis that explores textual representations, analyzing the textbook as part of wider social practices (e.g., in the contexts of textbook production and textbook use) is key to exploring the many ways in which representations are negotiated in social interaction. In this paper, we draw on multimodality and ethnographic approaches to discourse to present illustrative examples of two research sites in Uruguay: English language teaching (ELT) textbook production and ELT textbook use in the classroom. We focus on how textbook content developers, teachers and learners negotiate heteronormative visual representations in textbooks. These negotiations respond to broader ideological assumptions (about gender and about the textbook as educational media) which become articulated in interaction. Our conceptual aim in discussing these illustrative examples is to claim for situated textbook discourse analysis as a key area for analyzing the complex dynamics of representation as a semiotic process and not solely as a semiotic product.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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