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Autor/inn/enMundt, Daria; Abel, Roman; Hänze, Martin
TitelExploring the effect of testing on forgetting in vocabulary learning.
An examination of the bifurcation model.
QuelleIn: Journal of cognitive psychology, 32 (2020) 2, S. 214-228
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN2044-5911; 2044-592X
SchlagwörterErinnerung; Gedächtnis; Test; Vokabellernen; Bifurkationstheorie; Leistungsmessung
AbstractResearch on the testing effect demonstrated a stronger decrease in performance for repeated studying compared to repeated testing. The bifurcation model attributes this test-delay interaction to different distributions of item memory strength. The present study tested the assumptions of the bifurcation model for learning foreign language vocabulary. [The authors] hypothesised an elimination or reduction of the interaction in a test/feedback condition because feedback prevents the bifurcation of item memory strength. [Their] experiment based on a 3 (Learning Method within: Test, test/feedback, copy) × 3 (Retention Interval between: Immediate, 1-week, 2-weeks) mixed factorial design with a sample of N = 122. The greatest long-term retention was achieved in the test/feedback condition. The bifurcation model was supported by a reduced test-delay interaction for the test/feedback condition. Further evidence for the bifurcation model is needed as interpretations on the dropout rates of items with different recall success were limited due to a floor effect. (Orig.).
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