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Autor/inRassaei, Ehsan
TitelEffects of Mobile-Mediated Dynamic and Nondynamic Glosses on L2 Vocabulary Learning: A Sociocultural Perspective.
QuelleIn: The modern language journal, 104 (2020) 1, S. 284-303
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BeigabenAnhang; Abbildungen 2; Tabellen 4
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0026-7902; 1540-4781
SchlagwörterEmpirische Forschung; Lernen; Vergleichende Analyse; Fremdsprachenunterricht; Vokabellernen; Englischunterricht; Mobilität
AbstractThe present study investigated the effects of 2 forms of text-based second language (L2) vocabulary glosses, namely dynamic and nondynamic glosses on EFL learners' vocabulary knowledge. Dynamic glosses were operationalized as a set of incrementally ordered mediating annotations designed to help learners identify the correct word definition while nondynamic glosses were operationalized as traditional fixed word definitions. During 2 treatment sessions, the participants in the 2 experimental groups as well as the control condition were presented with several short passages that included a number of unknown words via the Telegram application using learners' smartphones. The participants in the dynamic glossing condition were presented with a set of graduated prompts ordered from the most implicit to the most explicit for each unfamiliar word to identify its correct definition while reading the short passages. For the mobile-mediated nondynamic glossing condition, the learners were directly provided with a first language (L1) definition for each target word while reading the same text via their smartphones. The results of posttests and delayed posttests provided evidence for the benefits of the 2 mobile-mediated glossing conditions and also the superiority of the dynamic glossing condition over nondynamic glossing condition for L2 vocabulary learning. (Verlag).
Erfasst vonInformationszentrum für Fremdsprachenforschung, Marburg
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