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Autor/inn/enHannover, Bettina; Zander, Lysann
TitelHow personal and social selves influence the development of children and adolescents at school.
QuelleIn: Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie, 34 (2020) 2, S. 65-85Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1010-0652; 1664-2910
SchlagwörterSelbstkonzept; Jugend; Kindheit; Kind; Leistungsmotivation; Lernumgebung; Begabung; Entwicklung; Leistung; Modell; Jugendlicher
AbstractHow do different aspects of students' self relate to their development at school? In educational psychology, this question has been examined essentially only in terms of the influence of the ability self-concept, a central part of the personal self. Starting with a literature review on why and how the ability self-concept impacts motivation and student outcomes, we argue that social selves - learners' knowledge about their group memberships and associated evaluations - have an impact, too. Students are more intrinsically motivated and more successful if they experience fit between learning environment and important self-aspects. Accordingly, we suggest a model according to which students try to increase fit by exerting primary control, i. e., by proactively changing the environment, with the self as agent. To that end (1) they mentally project the self as different from the actual self, with the mental self-projection serving as a self-evaluative standard and motiving behaviors aiming at its attainment, (2) they choose behavioral options that allow for the enactment of important self-aspects, (3) they choose interaction partners who share important self-aspects or are supportive of their behavioral enactment, and (4) they switch between or prioritize different values, to best match affordances and constraints of the learning environment. If a student repeatedly fails to achieve fit through primary control, secondary control strategies are deployed, i. e., internal processes aimed at minimizing losses and saving resources for the pursuit of more attainable goals. To that end, students either disidentify with the learning environment or redefine their selves in a reactive manner, with, in many cases, detrimental effects on their academic outcomes. We hope to inspire educational psychologists to more systematically investigate the different self-aspects' impact on social and academic development of learners at school. (ZPID).
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Psychologie, Trier
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