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Autor/inn/enGross, Katharina; Harmer, Sandra Pia
Titel"CSI VIENNA" - Design and evaluation of the out-of-school lab ELKE.
QuelleAus: Ludwig, Matthias (Hrsg.); Jablonski, Simone (Hrsg.); Caldeira, Amélia (Hrsg.); Moura, Ana (Hrsg.): Research on Outdoor STEM Education in the digiTal Age. Proceedings of the ROSETA online conference in June 2020. Münster: WTM-Verlag (2020) S. 205-208
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ReiheConference proceedings in mathematics education. 6
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-95987-143-3; 978-3-95987-144-0
SchlagwörterKompetenzerwerb; Digitale Medien; Labor; Lehrerausbildung; Lehr-Lern-Prozess; Lernumgebung; Schülerorientierter Unterricht; Außerschulischer Lernort; Fachdidaktik; Chemieunterricht; Experimentalunterricht; Freiluftunterricht; Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht; Konferenzbericht; Konzept; Wien; Österreich
AbstractIn the course of PISA and TIMSS a lot of out-of-school lab days have been established; as non-formal extracurricular learning environments they shall provide an efficient addition to formal learning at school. The ELKE project is a non-formal extracurricular learning lab that aims at linking curricular content and competence-centred activities. This makes it an effective addition to chemistry education at school. Additionally, ELKE is a teaching/learning-environment for university teacher training. The poster illustrates the general concept as well as the contextual design of "CSI Vienna", the Viennese experimentation day. Furthermore, it shows first results concerning the effectiveness of the ELKE student lab on learning. These results will also be related to the outcomes of studies on ELKE as a teaching/learning-environment for future chemistry teachers. (Orig.).
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