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Autor/inGrassian, Daniel
TitelAn insider's guide to university administration.
QuelleBaltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (2020), 268 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheHigher ed leadership essentials
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781421437071; 9781421437088
SchlagwörterCollege; Berufsberatung; Universität; Hochschulverwaltung; Verwaltungsbeamter; USA
Abstract"Daniel Grassian aims, primarily, to help those who are currently in faculty positions or are outside academe to determine whether a career in college or university middle-rank administration is right for them and, if so, how best to prepare themselves to succeed at it. The book provides a critical analysis of areas of collegiate administration: leadership, management, vision, diversity, ethics, and fund-raising"--. Contents: Introduction : don't panic! -- College and university administration 101 -- Finances, fund-raising, and budgeting -- Free speech, censorship, and harassment -- Vision, strategic planning, branding, and image -- Management, leadership, and ethics -- Diversity, inclusion, and religious affiliation -- Conclusion. the future of the college and university administrator.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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