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Autor/inn/enBattisti, Michele; Peri, Giovanni; Romiti, Agnese
TitelDynamic Effects of Co-Ethnic Networks on Immigrants' Economic Success.
QuelleMünchen: CESifo (2018), 43 S.
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ReiheCESifo Working Paper Series. 7084
Dokumenttyponline; Monographie
SchlagwörterSchätzung; Arbeitsmarkt; Integration; Netzwerk; Theorie; Flüchtling; Migrant; Deutschland
AbstractThis paper investigates how the size of co-ethnic networks at the time of arrival affect the economic success of immigrants in Germany. Applying panel analysis with a large set of fixed effects and controls, we isolate the association between initial network size and long-run immigrant outcomes. We also look at those who were assigned to an initial location independently of their choice allows a causal interpretation of our estimates. We find that immigrants initially located in places with larger co-ethnic networks are more likely to be employed at first, but have a lower probability of investing in human capital.
Erfasst vonZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Kiel
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