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Autor/inn/enOmidian, Faranak; Nazari, Ali Akbar; Roshanaei, Hagar
TitelA study of the level of satisfaction with the quality of educational services among students of nursing-midwifery in Islamic Azad University of dezful based on the model of European Foundation of quality management.
QuelleIn: International letters of social and humanistic sciences, (2015) 44, S. 86-92
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterZufriedenheit; Geburtshilfe; Gesundheitswesen; Management; Berufsbildung; Hebamme; Hochschulbildung; Universität; Qualitätssicherung; Student; Studentin; Iran
AbstractThis study aimed to examine level of satisfaction with the quality of educational services among students of nursing-midwifery in Islamic Azad University of Dezful based on EFQM model. Statistical population of this survey consisted of all university students who had spent at least one semester in midwifery-nursing faculty of Islamic Azad university of Dezful. 270 students were selected through random sampling method. A questionnaire was developed by the researcher of current study based on customer-centered orientation of EFQM organizational excellence model. Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and Chi-Square Test. The results showed that level of satisfaction at the educational services of nursing-midwifery and the affiliated hospitals was low (p = 0.99). Based on Freidman test, level of satisfaction at the accountability of staff was the most important factor, and it had the highest priority (mean rank 2/77). On the other hand, level of satisfaction at post-educational services was the least important, and it had the lowest priority (mean rank 2/30).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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