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Autor/inn/enGustafsson, Annie; Torstensson, Elias
TitelIslam i skolan.
En studie om framställningen av muslimer i läromedel.
QuelleUppsala: Univ. (2013), 35 S., 696 KB
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Dokumenttyponline; Monographie
SchlagwörterAngst; Vorstellung (Psy); Sekundarstufe I; Schulbuch; Geschichte (Histor); Religionsunterricht; Islam; Orientalistik; Online-Publikation; Schweden
AbstractThis essay is a study of textbooks in religious education for middle school. Textbooks are for many, the first contact with religion and they contain a shorter description of different religions. The study is supported by theories of 'Islamofobi' by Mattias Gardell as well as oriental studies by Edward W. Said. The purpose of the study is to examine how textbooks describe islam and muslims' situation in Sweden. Four textbooks from 1992 until 2011 have been used in the examination. The purpose is also to investigate the differences and/or similarities between these texts. The survey was made by a qualitative content analysis. The result shows that confusing facts emerges regarding islam and muslims' situation in Sweden, as well as muslims' tend to be described as a homogeneous group. In more modern textbooks you will find that muslims' are described as a homogenous group less than before, but there are still parts of the texts which are very generalising.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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