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Autor/inBurke, Kay
TitelHow to assess authentic learning.
5. ed.
QuelleThousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin (2009), IX, 221 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben S. 210-214
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-412-96278-1; 978-1-412-96278-0
SchlagwörterEvaluation; Tagebuch; Testkonstruktion; Metakognition; Bildungsstandards; Kind; Lehrerkonferenz; Lehrer; Leistungsbeurteilung; Schulnote; Schülerleistung; Lernen; Lernschwierigkeit; Individualisierung; Unterrichtsgespräch; Differenzierender Unterricht; Unterrichtsbeispiel; Unterrichtseinheit; Unterrichtsplanung; Lesekompetenz; Benchmarking; Portfolio; Praxisbezug; USA
AbstractFor many years, assessment was relegated to a secondary role in the educational process. But the increased emphasis on high-stakes testing, effective assessment has emerged as one of the major factors in raising student achievement. In this book, ... the author provides a wide range of updated easy-to-implement alternative assessments that address today's accountability requirements and focus on improving learning. Designed for use across all content areas, these formative assessments are rooted in the language of state standards and emphasize differentiating instruction to meet students' individual learning needs. Revised throughout with current research, this new edition helps K-12 teachers: 1. Build response to intervention checklists for struggling students; 2. Develop unit plans using differentiated learning and assessment strategies'; 3. Create portfolios that emphasize metacognition; 4. Design performance tasks that motivate and engage students; 5. Construct rubrics that describe indicators of quality work; 6. Create tests that focus on higher-order thinking skills. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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