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Autor/inChavous, Kevin P.
TitelA smart start strategy for school reform.
QuelleAus: Solmon, Lewis C. (Hrsg.): Improving student achievement. Reforms that work. Greenwich, Conn.: Information age publishing (2005) S. 45-52Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheThe milken family foundation series on education policy
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterGewalt; Schulreform; Besoldung; Früheinschulung; Frühpädagogik; Schule; Schulwahl; Schuljahr; Öffentliche Schule; Schuldauer; Schultag; Grundschule; Sekundarbereich; Charter School; Lehrer; Lehrerfortbildung; Lernbehinderung; Curriculum; Curriculumreform; Drogenabhängigkeit; Größe; Kriminalität; Sonderschule; Prävention; Qualitätssicherung; USA
AbstractIn this article, the author presents and discusses eight "core components [that] should be applied forcefully and consistently as guiding principles for sustained, systemic education reform". First, child learning should start at age 3. Second, more time should be provided to learn, i.e. both the school day and the school year should be longer. Third, "a rigorous curriculum at elementary levels" should be implemented. Fourth, at high-school level, "a solid core curriculum that all students must complete by the age of 16 [and that offers] more rigor in math, science, and the arts" must be implemented. Fifth, smaller schools should be created since "students are alienated and anonymous in large schools". Sixth, school reform should include "appropriate and effective care" for children with learning disabilities. Seventh, teachers should be given the opportunity for further training and "incentives [should] be implemented to encourage accountability, professionalism, and performance". Finally, public schools should "collaborate across agency lines to reduce truancy, drug abuse, crime, and violence". (DIPF/Orig./Kl.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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