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Autor/inn/enVilla, Richard A.; Thousand, Jacqueline S.
TitelCreating an inclusive school.
2. ed.
QuelleAlexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (2005), vii, 219 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterSchüler; Schulische Integration; Behinderung
AbstractInhalt: What is an inclusive school? / Mary A. Falvey and Christine C. Givner -- Inclusive education: historical perspective / Susan Bray Stainback and Julie Smith -- Voice of inclusion. from my friend, Ro Vargo / Rosalind Vargo and Joe Vargo -- The rationales for creating and maintaining inclusive schools / Richard A. Villa and Jacqueline S. Thousand -- Organizational supports for change toward inclusive schooling / Jacqueline S. Thousand and Richard A. Villa -- Voice of inclusion. changing views from the porch / Joanne Godek, Katharine Shepherd Furney, and Mary Lynn Riggs -- Voice of inclusion. keepers of the dream / Deborah Tweit-Hull -- Promising practices that foster inclusive education / Alice Udvari-Solner... [et al.] -- Voice of inclusion. collaborative teaching and student support / Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, and Denyse Patel Henry -- Access to the general education curriculum for all. the universal design process / Alice Udvari-Solner, Richard A. Villa, and Jacqueline S. T.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
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