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Autor/inn/enGupta, B. M.; Dhawan, S. M.
TitelStatus of physics research in India: An analysis of research output during 1993–2001.
QuelleIn: Scientometrics, (2008) 2, S.295-316
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterResearch Output; Physic Research; Publication Output; Citation Window; National Importance
AbstractAbstract The paper reviews the present status of Indian physics research, in particular its nature of research system, nature of institutions involved, type of education offered and outturn at postgraduate and Ph.D level, the extent to which extra-mural funding support is available from various governmental R&D agencies, and the nature of professional organizations involved. The study is based on analysis of Indian physics output, as indexed in Expanded Science Citation Index (Web of Science) during 1993–2001. The study also discusses various features of Indian physics research such as its growth in terms of research papers, institutional publication productivity, nature of collaboration, and the quality and impact of its research output.
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