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Sonst. PersonenDeGagné, Derrique (Hrsg.)
TitelWeaving hope through our education system.
QuelleNew York: Peter Lang (2023)Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheCounterpoints. 544
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781636673769; 9781636673776; 9781636673165 (PDF); 9781636673172
SchlagwörterCritical pedagogy; Educational change; Hope; Social aspects; Erziehung
Abstract"Educators are constantly being asked to do more with less. During these complex times, it can be difficult to find hope, yet "the first and last task of a leader is to keep hope alive" (Gardner, 1990, p.195). Weaving Hope through our Education System is an invitation to emerging, novice, and experienced educators to reflect, a reminder to connect, and a call to action. In its pages, a diverse group of artists, educators, and leaders examine hope's relationship with courage, connection, compassion, curiosity, and creativity. Through poetry, narrative, articles, interviews, and plays, authors respond to the prompt: How do you foster hope in our education landscape?"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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