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Autor/inFlanagan, Sherman E.
InstitutionUnited States Department of the Interior, Office of Education (ED)
TitelInsurance and Annuity Plans for College Staffs. Bulletin, 1937, No. 5
Quelle(1937), (86 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDisabilities; College Faculty; Comprehensive Programs; Health Insurance; Efficiency; Economic Factors; Risk; Retirement Benefits; State Legislation; Questionnaires; History; Teacher Salaries
AbstractThe efficiency and moral of members of college faculties are dependent in a large measure on an assurance of economic security. In order, that they may render a high standard of service in teaching youth and in discovering knowledge for the benefit of society, protection for them and their families against the risks and anxieties of the future is essential. The generally low pay of college staffs makes it difficult for the individual teacher to provide this protection. A recognized solution of the problem is the establishment by the colleges of retirement or disability systems by which insurance annuities or old-age pensions will be provided for faculty members. In the case of publicly controlled institutions, such systems are instituted principally through State legislatures while privately controlled institutions must depend on their own initiative. The establishment of insurance and annuity systems by colleges is a complex and intricate undertaking beset with difficulties. One of the chief obstacles is the general lack of available and reliable information regarding the subject. The present publication is intended primarily to meet in part this deficiency. It is also intended to encourage or promote the movement for greater economic security for college faculty members. The Office of Education through its division of higher education was responsible for the collection of a large part of the data contained in the publication. The data were gathered through questionnaires sent to the institutions. The following chapters are included: (1) Introduction; (2) History of pensions and group life insurance; (3) Group life-insurance and retirement systems; and (4) Fundamental principles of a comprehensive program of insurance and annuities for college staffs. A bibliography is included. (Contains 7 tables.) [Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenOffice of Education, United States Department of the Interior.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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