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Autor/inParkinson, Kevin J.
InstitutionTAFE National Centre for Research and Development, Payneham (Australia).
TitelThe Delivery of TAFE Services to People in Remote Areas--A Case Study with Generalisations.
Quelle(1987), (200 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Case Studies; Delivery Systems; Demography; Distance Education; Educational Needs; Educational Television; Enrollment Rate; Foreign Countries; Home Programs; Information Networks; Labor Force; Labor Market; Mobile Educational Services; Postsecondary Education; Rural Areas; Rural Education; Telecommunications; Telecourses; Australia
AbstractA study examined ways in which Technical and Further Education (TAFE) services might be delivered to persons living in outlying areas of Australia. The study concentrated on the tristate area served by the Broken Hill, Riverland, and Sunraysia colleges. The following means of providing TAFE services were studied: self-study centers, residential facilities at TAFE colleges, branch campuses at centers away from a principal college campus, mobile teaching units, distance education, telecommunication links, and radio and television (including satellite transmission). The study resulted in series of recommendations pertaining to 14 aspects of improving services to residents of remote areas. It was concluded that (1) for purposes of providing TAFE services, the three colleges studied should be treated as a single unit; (2) an area council be established to oversee a rolling triennial plan for TAFE services in the tristate area; and (3) tertiary counseling and credit transfer information services should be established. It was also recommended that cooperation regarding the use of college facilities be expanded, study centers be established, distance education services be expanded, and telematics be given greater emphasis. (Appendixes contain data on course provision and enrollments, additional statistical information, lists of some possibilities for tele-education with equipment required for networking and courses available through external studies, a statement of the duties of a radio education officer, and the budget of the Northern Territory External Studies Centre. A 15-page bibliography is also included.) (MN)
AnmerkungenNelson Wadsworth, P.O. Box 4725, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, Australia.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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