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Autor/inn/enHardee, Vercie M.; Worthington, Roger G.
InstitutionNorth Carolina State Dept. of Community Colleges, Raleigh. Occupational Program Services.
TitelCurriculum Models and Competencies. Associate Degree Nursing and Nursing Education Options: Associate Degree with Practical Nursing.
Quelle(1983), (666 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Academic Standards; Associate Degrees; College Curriculum; Community Colleges; Competency Based Education; Employment Opportunities; Job Analysis; Models; Nursing Education; State Curriculum Guides; State Standards; Task Analysis; Two Year Colleges; North Carolina
AbstractFour associate degree nursing curriculums are presented, along with competencies, program guidelines, and job opportunities identified as those appropriate for the associate degree nursing programs offered in the North Carolina community college system. Chapter I introduces North Carolina's curriculum development project and the phases in which tasks, competencies, criterion measures, and instructional content were developed. Chapter II discusses the legal scope of nursing practice and job opportunities, focusing on the North Carolina Nursing Practice Act of 1981 and assumptions regarding associate degree nursing practice, and providing a dictionary of occupational titles for nurses. Chapter III delineates 168 tasks categorized as role-related competencies and the skills essential to patient care, and identifies the skills, knowledge, and attitudes ncecessary for the completion of these tasks. Chapter IV establishes nursing curriculum standards. Chapter V presents four associate degree nursing curriculum models; i.e., programs offered by Western Piedmont Community College (CC), Vance-Granville CC, Guilford Technical CC, and Randolph Technical College. Each program is described in terms of curriculum standard, curriculum by quarters, course descriptions, and the curriculum model. Finally, guidelines for admission, progression, and graduation are presented. Appendices include an outline of the competency-based curriculum development project, equipment lists, and performance evaluation sheets. (LAL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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