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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionHoward Univ., Washington, DC. School of Education.
TitelSummary of the Adult Basic Education Institute for Teachers and Teacher-Trainers of Urban Adult Populations. Part II. July 26, 1971-August 31, 1972.
Quelle(1972), (126 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Adult Students; Disadvantaged; Institutes (Training Programs); Political Socialization; Questionnaires; Social Values; Teacher Education; Teacher Workshops; Urban Education; Urban Teaching
AbstractContrary to the statement in the title, Part 2 of the summary of Institute proceedings is concerned with the period from August 7, 1971, to August 31, 1972. It reports the results of an opinionnaire taken the last day Institute participants were assembled at Howard, and the uses to which the participants put their Institute experience after they returned to their places of work. The opinionnaire results indicate some of the value assumptions, personal perspectives, and understandings Institute members had about American society and of the problems of disadvantaged adults. Follow-up workshops were held at four locations. The presentations given at the Washington, D.C. workshop and a summary of the two Baltimore, Md., workshops are included. Responses to a questionnaire, "Summary of Uses of My Howard University ABE Institute Experiences", are presented according to the following categories of respondents: (1) teachers of regular ABE classes; (2) teachers of classes other than regular ABE classes; (3) teachers of GED or high school equivalency classes; (4) teachers of English as a second language; (5) and administrative and supervisory personnel. (Author/AG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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