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Autor/inFoster, Ray E.
InstitutionFlorida State Dept. of Education, Tallahassee. Div. of Elementary and Secondary Education.
TitelDesigning Instructional Programs in a Sparsely-Populated District.
Quelle(1971), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDisadvantaged Youth; Educational Planning; Educational Programs; Exceptional Child Education; Program Development; Rural Education; School Districts; Florida
AbstractDiscussion of problems associated with designing instructional programs for rural, sparsely populated school districts is illustrated with examples of educational planning in Jefferson County, Florida. The county is characterized by a diminishing agrarian economy, poverty, a 75% black school enrollment, and educational disadvantagement. Factors to be considered in planning are described as fourfold: nature of population, continuum of needs (determined by kinds of needs and number of levels on which each must be met), parameters of needs (determined by size of group), and availability of resources. Need for preventive rather than remedial programs is stressed. Described is the county's Special Needs Resource Room Program in the primary grades, the program for educable mentally retarded individuals, and planning for secondary level educationally disadvantaged students. Overall, educational planning in rural areas is said to involve need appraisal and ordering, strategy development, matching resources to strategies without duplication, developing multi-county solutions to low-incident exceptionality problems and inservice teacher education, securing supplementary State and community agency services, and assessing effectiveness of programs. (KW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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