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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionYMCA of Metropolitan Chicago, IL. Career Options Research and Development (CORD).
TitelCareer Options Research and Development. Final Report.
Quelle, (26 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Ladders; Curriculum Development; Economically Disadvantaged; Educational Innovation; Educational Research; Employment Patterns; Human Services; Job Analysis; Job Training; Models; Paraprofessional Personnel; Program Development; Research Projects; Systems Approach
AbstractThis final report of the Career Options Research and Development (CORD) Project reviews the original assumptions, objectives, problems, and opportunities related to training the poor for employment in the human services areas. Specific objectives of Project CORD were: (1) to test the validity and reliability of the social mobility theory, (2) to develop and test a methodology of systems approach to task analysis, (3) to test the role of education in occupational mobility, (4) to test the effect of education upon service quality, (5) to field test a model curriculum developed in a systematic way from the task analysis performed in a variety of human services settings, and (6) to develop a tested model which could be adopted for use elsewhere. After reviewing the efforts of this 3-year project, the report then offers a prognosis which includes a statement concerning the adaptability of the curriculum model. This prognosis suggests that there are easier and probably equally good ways of constructing curriculum. Thus, human services may have to convert to regular programs of schools and colleges rather than to New Careers or establish technical programs tailored to meet the needs of employer agencies. (JS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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