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Autor/inn/enBayne, G. Keith; Caton, Hilda
InstitutionLouisville Univ., KY. Dept. of Occupational and Career Education.
TitelDeveloping Teacher Competencies in Working with Handicapped Students. Final Report.
Quelle(1979), (113 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCompetence; Competency Based Teacher Education; Handicapped Children; Handicapped Students; Inservice Teacher Education; Mainstreaming; Research Reports; Special Education; Surveys; Vocational Education; Vocational Education Teachers
AbstractA project was conducted to (1) identify teacher competencies needed for mainstreaming handicapped students into regular vocational programs and (2) identify, modify, and/or develop strategies for developing vocational teacher competencies needed for mainstreaming. Based on a review of the literature, 123 competency statements were selected and grouped into seven areas: classroom management, planning, and teaching methods; coordination of cooperative vocational education; counseling and human relations; curriculum development; assessment of student progress and analysis of student needs; program management; and professional development. From this list a panel of consultants selected sixty-two competencies which were essential but not a part of the regular vocational teacher education curriculum. Special education teachers, special vocational education teachers, and vocational teachers were surveyed using an instrument based on the sixty-two competencies. Survey findings indicated a high level of agreement between vocational teachers and special education teachers regarding the importance of competencies. In addition, it was found that special educators perform the competencies daily or weekly, whereas the vocational and special vocational teachers performed the tasks occasionally or never. (A model program consisting of a set of competencies, along with performance objectives for achieving them, is presented. The survey questionnaire is appended.) (LRA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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