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Autor/inn/enKoran, Nihan; Avci, Neslihan
TitelPerceptions of Prospective Pre-School Teachers Regarding Children's Right to Participate in Classroom Activities
QuelleIn: Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 17 (2017) 3, S.1035-1059 (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPreservice Teacher Education; Preservice Teachers; Student Teacher Attitudes; Student Participation; Class Activities; Childrens Rights; Preschool Children; Observation; Student Teaching; Teacher Behavior; Qualitative Research; Case Studies; Interviews; Scores; Content Analysis; Educational Practices; Foreign Countries; Cyprus; Turkey
AbstractThis study investigates the behaviours of pre-school teachers working with children aged between 4 and 6 years with regard to their right to participate in classroom activities. In this context, pre-school teacher's negative or positive applications regarding children's participation rights were revealed. Furthermore, preschool teachers' aplications were evaluated with regard to requirements of participation. The data of 15 pre-school teachers observed in the "school experience" course were obtained from the files of prospective teachers. Further, 64 hours of observations for each teacher were recorded by two prospective teachers during eight weeks. The data reflecting teachers' behaviours in the educational environment were analysed using descriptive analysis techniques. Results of the research suggested 144 positive and 505 negative cases for 15 teachers in terms of these requirements. It was observed that some teachers consider child-centered and democratic behaviours and children's wishes and opinions and take decisions accordingly. Furthermore, teachers showed negative behaviours predominantly in terms of requirements for participation. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenEducational Consultancy, Ltd (EDAM). Kisikli Mh. Alemdag Cd. Yan Yol Sk., SBK Is Merkezi No:5 Kat:1, Uskudar-Istanbul, 34692 Turkey. Tel: +90-216-481-30-23; Fax: +90-216-481-31-36; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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