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Autor/inReynolds, Joan
TitelThich Nhat Hanh As Adult Educator.
Quelle(2002), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Stellungnahme; Adult Education; Adult Educators; Buddhism; Cross Cultural Studies; Culturally Relevant Education; Educational Philosophy; Educational Principles; Educational Theories; International Education; Meditation; Peace; Social Discrimination; Transformative Learning; Values; Vietnamese; World Views
AbstractThich Nhat Hanh, a 76-year-old Buddhist monk of the Vietnamese meditation school, exemplifies mindfulness in his daily life and teaches these principles around the world. Preferring to be called "Thay" which means teacher, he has written over 75 books on such subjects as mindfulness in daily living and its relation to social action. His teachings can be identified with "engaged Buddhism," which emphasizes the importance of community, yet points out that one need not look outside oneself for love because loving oneself with proper care and understanding is loving the world. Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment throughout the day. It can be practiced in the kitchen, bathroom, one's room, and on the walking path. Thay believes America's disregard for daily living has contributed to violence in the world and explains that its foreign policy and Americans' personal relationships disallow the deep listening needed to understand the suffering and issues of people in other nations. Adult educators such as Freire and Boal wish to transform fear and oppression into empowerment and understanding. Adult educators also agree with Thay that learning is alive and well within each person, each community, each culture; equality is in one's mind; dialogue is necessary; adult educators must be aware of the culture, customs, and very being of their students; and balance is valued. (Contains 19 references.) (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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