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Autor/inDemiray, Ugur
InstitutionAnadolu Univ., Eskisehir (Turkey).
TitelFindings of a Research on the Students' Use of Time. A Case Study of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in Turkey. Educational Research Publications No. 017.
Quelle(1989), (51 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBusiness Administration Education; Case Studies; Distance Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Leisure Time; Nontraditional Students; Open Education; Questionnaires; Recreational Activities; Student Characteristics; Telecourses; Time Management
AbstractThis study examines what fourth year Open Education Faculty students enrolled in economics and business administration education in Anadolu University's distance education program expect from their faculty in terms of leisure time activities and how they spend their leisure time. Additional questions addressed include the personal, social, and economic characteristics of the Open Education Faculty students; the activities that these students engage in during their leisure time and any relationships between these activities and the students' socioeconomic characteristics; and how they divide their time into periods for studying and working. The first chapter discusses the phases of the conflict between man and nature in terms of the relationship between man and his leisure time activities; social change due to technological development; and leisure time activities and socioeconomic conditions. The second chapter describes the methodology used for the survey, which included a questionnaire, the target population of all fourth year Open University Faculty students, and data collection. The third chapter analyzes the data and discusses the findings, including time spent in activities related to sports and fine arts, mass media, and hobbies, as well as spending time aimlessly. The last chapter presents the results of the study together with recommendations, and discusses the desire of these students for the establishment of Students Culture Education Centers for leisure activities, the costs of such centers, and the services they would provide. (Contains 20 references.) (ALF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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