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Autor/inn/enPollard, Joyce S.; und weitere
InstitutionSouthwest Educational Development Lab., Austin, TX.
TitelDeveloping an Educational Indicators System for School Improvement in Arkansas; Proceedings of an Invitational Seminar.
Quelle(1990), (72 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Data Collection; Educational Assessment; Educational Improvement; Educational Indicators; Educational Quality; Effective Schools Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Methods; Excellence in Education; Arkansas
AbstractDuring the 1989 Arkansas legislative session, an act was passed mandating the Arkansas Office of Accountability to publish annual reports on school performance. To help educators deal with issues related to systems of educational effectiveness indicators, a seminar for educational stakeholders to ask questions and offer comments about developing an indicator system was held. Advice, counsel, and exemplars offered by speakers are presented in five parts. Section 1 defines indicators as information collected to measure educational effectiveness. Indicators must not be too complex or simplistic and should be collected, reported, and compared over time. Qualities of educational indicators include statistical validity and understandability. Strengths and limitations of indicator systems are addressed. Section 2 describes how using indicators to support school improvement can lead to unintended circumstances such as narrowing curriculum. Effects of such consequences can be mitigated by avoiding practices such as drawing simplistic conclusions from data. Section 3 addresses issues of data collection. Examples of Connecticut, Louisiana, and South Carolina state indicator systems are included in section 4. The process for implementing an indicator system in Arkansas is described in section 5. The appendixes include Arkansas legislation and a participants' worksheet comparing state board of education goals and accountability seminar goals. (8 references) (EJS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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