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Autor/inn/enAllen, Russell; Fredrick, Vicki
InstitutionWisconsin State Dept. of Public Instruction, Madison. Div. for Management and Planning Services.
TitelTesting Services Manual.
Quelle(1979), (37 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Academic Standards; Computer Assisted Testing; Consumer Economics; Criterion Referenced Tests; Educational Assessment; Educational Objectives; Educational Testing; Elementary Secondary Education; Item Banks; Language Arts; Mathematics; Reading Skills; Scoring; Test Construction; Testing Programs; Wisconsin
AbstractThe following steps have been taken to accomplish the goals of the Wisconsin Pupil Assessment Program: the development of objective-referenced tests; the administration of a standardized norm-referenced test; reporting of trends in performance on these tests; and the availability of two testing services and personnel for consultation purposes. These two services are fully described in this manual. One of the services allows schools to administer the same objective-referenced tests as those used by the state assessment program, and the other allows schools to construct tests using an item bank. Advantages, development, content areas, objectives, and scoring reports of both the statewide and customized tests are defined and described. Also discussed is general testing information, including such areas as sampling/testing of all students, setting performance standards, utilizing and disseminating test data, and considerations in reporting to three target groups: teachers, school board members, and students and their parents. (Author/GK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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